MISSION TEAM Every year, St. Mark's high school students build their faith & relationships by serving together in mission fields both near and far on the EDGE Youth Mission Team. In addition to serving our Greater Toledo community, the Youth Mission Team has traveled to many places across the country to learn & serve on week long mission trips. Places that our youth have traveled to include: - New Orleans, LA - Yakima, WA - Huntington, WV - Houston, TX - Boston, MA - Oklahoma City, OK .....and many more!
All students entering their 9th grade year to graduating seniors are eligible and invited to join the EDGE Youth Mission Team! Want more information? Email Emily Hemminger and [email protected].
EDGE Youth GRADES 6-12
Journeying through life & faith together.
The St. Mark EDGE Youth Group is a space for all youth grades 6-12 to find a safe place to belong and grow in their relationship with Jesus and one another. EDGE Youth meets monthly for special events, devotions, and fun.