Along with a monthly dinner and food pantry we now offer a limited selection of clothes, linens and very small household items. However, we do not have the manpower or available storage to handle more than we can distribute at one monthly dinner. Please do not bring items to church unless you contact Cathy Klewer at [email protected]. As always, we appreciate volunteers for our dinners.
Box Tops for Education
Box Tops for Education and Campbell Soup labels are still being collected for the Indian Reservations in Arizona. Please carefully remove the entire soup label, not damaging the bar code. Box top logos are in various spots on the packaging. Collection boxes are on the main lobby visitor desk or on the table at the sanctuary entrance off the elevator lobby. Thanks for supporting this mission project.
Kroger Community Rewards
Please sign-up or re-register for Kroger Community Rewards after April 1st, so that we continue to receive full benefits. our ID number is KE634. Go to to sign in or register. If you are having problems registering your card, please call customer service at 1-800-576-4377 or technical support, 1-866-221-4141, while at your computer.
Simply Giving
Simply Giving provides an automated way for your commitment to St. Mark to be carried out. Your offering through Simply Giving can be withdrawn weekly, semi-monthly, monthly or any number of ways. it can be divided between weekly and the Capital Campaign as well. Please prayerfully consider Simply Giving as your option to keep your commitment to the church. Forms can be found at the Welcome Center, in the back of the Church, or through the church office. You can also make a one-time donation or set up recurring donations using the DONATIONSTAB here on the website.
Altar Flowers
Altar flowers can be ordered by calling the church office, 419-691-3597. Cost is $22.00 for two large vases, $17.00 for two small vases and $14.00 for the statue vase. Please mark your check indicating Altar flowers so that the accounts are correctly credited.